Brant Arts I.D.A. Pharmacy is proud to have two pharmacists that are Certified Menopause Practitioners. For over 15 years, Carolyn Whiskin and Kerry Roberts have been guiding women through the transitional years of perimenopause and menopause. Carolyn and Kerry have great passion for ensuring each woman has input into achieving their goals for wellness while working with family physicians in making recommendations that have been developed as a team.

Since writing their exams to be Certified Menopause Practitioners through the North American Menopause Society in 2003, Kerry and Carolyn have maintained their credentials through ongoing continuing education. Last week they attended the International Menopause Society Meeting held in Vancouver. This was a joint meeting with the Canadian Menopause Society (Sigma). Experts in women’s health from around the world shared their expertise and research. Topics included osteoporosis, heart health, low libido, sleep, stress, hot flashes and more.

Stay tuned for our weekly blog, “Women’s Health Wednesdays”, as we post our learnings from this meeting.