Proper Wheelchair Fitting
For anyone who uses a wheelchair, they are going to be reliant upon a proper fit to make sure they can still maneuver around their home and ensure that the…
For anyone who uses a wheelchair, they are going to be reliant upon a proper fit to make sure they can still maneuver around their home and ensure that the…
We've all heard of probiotics and prebiotics. What they are and how they function within our bodies are questions that can’t always be answered, despite the growing use of these…
It’s common knowledge in this day and age that whole foods are essential to a healthy diet. Not only is a healthy diet good for you to prevent a number…
Compression stockings are used by patients for a wide variety of reasons. They provide comfort, assist athletic performance and can help to prevent certain serious medical conditions.They work by improving your…
As Canadians, we tend to be more susceptible to the effects of the “winter blues”. The simple reason for this is the lack of sunshine during the winter months. The…
In honour of February being Heart Month, Brant Arts I.D.A. encourages all of our customers to take some time to review facts and prevention tips for heart health. Although heart disease…
With a new year just beginning, many people have set goals to eat healthier or to become more active. Below are some of the best health and fitness apps currently…
The holidays are right around the corner and with it comes a host of tummy related problems that can wreak havoc on enjoying your festivities. Holidays are grueling to our…
With winter just around the corner, many of us are preparing for the season. Cleaning and organizing our homes, gathering food for the winter months, having our furnace and car…
It’s that time of year again when the flu virus becomes a prevalent fact of life. But does that mean that there’s nothing you can do to prevent contracting the…