June is Thyroid Awareness month in Canada.

Thyroid disease takes on many forms, including nodules and Thyroid Cancer and can be devastating for those affected. Up to 50% of individuals go undiagnosed, which is a staggering number of people when you think about it.

Women are more likely to have a problem with their thyroid than men. Recent studies indicate that thyroid disorders affect one in ten people in Canada and five to seven times more common in women.

There are two most common issues with the thyroid. One is hypothyroidism when the gland doesn’t make enough hormones, and hyperthyroidism, when it makes too many.

Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, along the front of your windpipe. It makes hormones that help control many parts of your metabolism, like how fast your heart beats and how fast you burn calories.

Hypothyroidism (or low thyroid) can cause a variety of symptoms. The signs can be different for everyone, and you may not notice any early on. But low levels of thyroid hormones eventually can slow down some of your body’s systems. You may:

A simple blood test to check your thyroid’s hormone levels is all that’s needed to find out if you have hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism (or high thyroid) can cause varying symptoms as well such as:

  • Weight Loss
  • Anxiety
  • Rapid Forceful Heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Tremor
  • Eye Changes

Thyroid Foundation of Canada

The Thyroid Foundation of Canada (TFC) is a non-profit registered volunteer organization which was founded in 1980 by Diana Meltzer Abramsky CM, BA in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. A research fund was set up and educational material developed for patients on a wide range of thyroid topics.

The TFC offers a dedicated toll-free telephone line manned by our volunteers, fundraising for thyroid research and sharing important medical information on the website and in the Thyrobulletin, TFC’s official newsletter to members.

Women’s College Hospital

The Thyroid Program at the Women’s College Hospital in Toronto takes a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of various thyroid diseases. Patients with different thyroid and parathyroid conditions are assessed, this includes thyroid dysfunction (under or overactive), thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, parathyroid dysfunction and other conditions.

Their team consists of physician and surgical specialists and clinical nurse specialists; They strive to provide you with a one-stop-shop for all of your thyroid needs at Women’s College Hospital.


Thyroid disease takes many forms and can be devastating for those affected. By working closely with the medical community and raising funds for thyroid research, organizations hope to better manage and diagnose so that patients can be treated early, and get their life back to normal.